Hypertension; The Silent Killer
INTRODUCTION Hypertension or High blood pressure as many know it is a “silent killer” that has remained a serious health challenge and grossly misunderstood condition in this part of the World and largely across the globe. It is a chronic condition where the pressure in the blood vessels remain persistently high usually from 140/90mmHg and […]
It’s time for Health for All
It’s World Health Day 2023!!! The year’s theme is “Health for All”. This aims to broaden the conversations and enhance actions that will birth universal healthcare, a situation where everyone is able to access healthcare regardless of their ages, gender, colour, race, physical or mental ability, religion and socio-economic status. While I dream of a […]
All that you need to know about Ovarian Cancer
INTRODUCTION Ovarian cancer is the growth of cells that forms in the ovaries. The cells multiply quickly and can invade and destroy healthy body tissue.The female reproductive system contains two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries — each about the size of an almond — produce eggs (ova) as well as […]
Tawai! Tawai! – A World Malaria Day Story
Tawai! Tawai! Tawai! Tawai! We slap ourselves Tawai! Tawai! We slap each other Sometimes the slap hurts More than the bite (the type that so often ends with a fight) Tawai! Tawai! Almost every night Tawai! Tawai! If only there was light Last night, I slapped a sleeping […]
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – All that you need to know…
INTRODUCTION Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is quite a common condition in which the function of the gastrointestinal tract has been impaired without any associated structural change. Little is known about the cause however there is ongoing research in place to determine this. It can be triggered by certain substances such as high calorie or fat […]
Caesarian Section- Get the right information!
What is Caesarean Section? A caesarean section, or C-section, is an operation to deliver the baby through a cut made in the tummy and womb, especially in cases where vaginal delivery would put either the mother or baby(ies) or even both at risk. Why are Caesareans carried out? 1. A Caesarean may be recommended as […]
How to Take Better Care of our Kidneys
INTRODUCTION The Kidneys, a paired organ with a myriad of roles, few of which include filtering the blood and getting rid of waste, pH regulation, blood pressure control, etc. is certainly not one to be taken for granted as these functions are necessary to keep our bodies functioning optimally. However, it is quite unfortunate that […]
Low Vision Awareness
The month of February is marked as the Low Vision Awareness Month so, HVNaija has curated this short-form blog post on the causes and treatment of Low Vision. What is Low Vision? Low vision is the term used to describe a significant visual impairment that can’t be fully corrected with glasses, contact lenses, medication, or […]
Condom Usage and Complications of Unprotected Sex
World Condom Day is commemorated on the 13th of February every year and at HVNaija, we have curated this blog post to explain the use of condoms and the complications of unprotected sex. The celebration of World Condom Day seeks to remind the general public that condoms prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STD), unwanted pregnancy and […]
WORLD HEART DAY- How to care for your heart…
It was World Heart Day a few days and as it is our usual practice at HV Naija to keep you informed about the best lifestyle and healthy choices, we have pulled together some tips to help you care for your heart and keep you healthy. There is no doubt that our heart is gold […]