• Mental Health and Counseling: Why you should pay attention to your mental health


It sends chills down my spine each time I think of it. How we struggle and fail, despite the different ways that we try to navigate things in one way or another. That moment we reach a breaking point, things seems to be stagnant, we get tired of life- it is at this point that the importance of help comes in. Seeking help is not weakness, you are not weak, you only need the strength and willpower to forge ahead, live your life. Improving your mental health is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Pretending to be fine every time can worsen your mental well-being, which can have an unhealthy effect on your physical and emotional well-being.

You can seek help from different initiatives, for example, @mentallyawareng offers counselling services for people trying to achieve healthy mental health and they always have emergency hotlines in case you need someone to talk to urgently.

We should make an effort to seek help from a counsellor if we have access to one, there is no shame in needing help. You can also talk about whatever you are going through with your family or friends. Sometimes you may feel that the counsellor or a member of your family or friend is not understanding or listening. But believe me, they are and they do understand. You have to be prepared to give your mental health a chance to flourish.

Feel free to take a break from social media, toxic relationships, bad friends, bad energy, work overload which can trigger stress and other unhealthy habits that affect your mental health. If diagnosed, kindly take your medications and participate in activities that help your mental health and keep a positive mind.

We should endeavour to always prioritize our mental health for it defines who we are, how we feel, how we express ourselves and aids in the healthy functioning of our body.

Why should you pay attention to your mental health?

Our mental health is an important part of our physical well-being, so maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about exercising or eating a balanced diet. As much as they can have a healthy effect on your staying in shape, your mental health ends up affecting the way your body feels and functions.

It is necessary to take care of our mental health as much as our bodies. It affects the way we act, feel, think and act. To live a healthy and happy life, our mental health needs to be checked. Often times we see basic symptoms like frequent headaches, fatigue, reluctance to do anything, trouble concentrating and difficult falling or staying asleep, loss of interest in hobbies etc. Sometimes these are signs that our mental health is deteriorating and it’s time to seek assistance.

It is essential and deserving for you to be healthy both physically and mentally. It helps develop a form of fulfillment in whatever you do and you deserve that happiness that comes from good mental health.

How do you pay attention to your mental health? 

There are many ways to pay attention to our mental health as individuals;

* Find time to do things you love

* Take a break from work.

* Have fun

* Dance

* Read a book

* Meditate

* Pray

* Take a good nap

* Catch up with friends

* Spend time outdoors

* Visit your favourite place.

* Exercise


We should always strive to have good mental health, it helps attain our full potential and helps in living a happy, successful and healthy life.

Seek out for help when necessary, don’t isolate yourself, observe your body and behavioral changes. We all can help too. Try to reach out to family and friends, connect explore, engage and listen.


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